Update: Employment Rights Bill 2024
On 27 November 2025, an amendment paper on the Employment Rights Bill 2024 (the ‘Bill”) was published. Here’s what’s new: 1) Time Limit for Employment Tribunal Claims Currently, complainants must file claims, excluding redundancy pay, within three months of the incident or risk their case being struck out due to a time bar. Often three months is insufficient for the complainant to fully process the situation and seek legal advice. Many have criticised this short window. By doubling the time limit up to 6 months, hopefully it will make a reasonable timeframe for employees to raise claims. 2) Unfair Dismissal Unfair dismissal will now be a day-one right. This means employees can claim unfair dismissal from the first day of employment, rather than after the current two-year qualifying period. Thought, there are two sides to the coin to this amendment, a nine-month probation period is introduced, during which employers can more easily dismiss employees without following the full proce...